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How to enable participants to share screen on zoom


This support solution will walk you through how to change your Zoom settings to allow participants нажмите чтобы узнать больше share their screens. Part 1 – Enable Co-Host Feature to provide screen sharing access. Part 2 – Give participants access to share screen in a single how to enable participants to share screen on zoom.

Part 3 – Permanently give participants access to share screen. Step 2: Select the yo Meeting Basic ” option in the left-hand menu. How rotate video in zoom – none: 4: Toggle scrfen setting to enable Larticipants in your Zoom meetings.

Note: If you enter one of your meetings on another device it will automatically give you the co-host access which will allow you to share your screen among other things.

Step 5: In how to enable participants to share screen on zoom Zoom meeting you may go to the participant menu, hover over a participant’s name, click the “More” option, по этому сообщению select the “Make Co-Host” to give them the Co-host access at any time. Note: You may follow the same steps to remove the Co-host access.

Step 1: Launch the Zoom application. Step 2: Start a “New Meeting”. Too to ensure this is your personal meeting room click the drop-down arrow on the new meeting button and then make sure the “Use my Personal Meeting ID PMI is checked. Step 3: While in the meeting select the up-arrow on the “Share Screen” option and then choose the “Advanced Sharing Options Step 4: While in that menu you will want to update your settings to match those как сообщается здесь. Step 5: Close out of that menu and return to your meeting, your participants will now have the ability to share their screen within this meeting.

Step 3: Scroll a bit further down within the “In Meeting Basic ” section to find the “Screen sharing” settings. Step 4 : Ensure the screen sharing option should be toggled on in the top right corner. Step 5: Select the “All Participants” for who can tto but be sure that “Host Only” is selected for who can start sharing when someone else is sharing zom click the “Save” button.

You now have enabled your Zoom meetings to allow participants to share their screen. For additional questions or assistance, you may email ro wfu. Did you find it helpful? Yes Participantx. Home Solutions. Enter your search term here Login to submit a new ticket. Check ticket status. Solution home General Zoom. Sorry we couldn’t be helpful.

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