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Important guidance about sign-in updates to the University of Edinburgh’s Zoom account. We are in the process of /18948.txt the University of Edinburgh’s Zoom sign-in policy. This update changes the way nlne: sign-in process for the University of Edinburgh Zoom account works and is required for integration with Learn. From 20th of July, you how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: be prompted by Zoom to change the email address of nonr: other Zoom account, the next time you sign in to it.
You may also receive an email from Zoom connecg you to change your email address. Images of both the prompt and the email are shown in the “Do I need to take action?
If none of the hw applies to you or if you’re unsure and it is likely you will use How to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: meetings with your courses in Learn, first do the following steps:.
This advice applies to students or staff and is to make sure that your University Zoom profile is ready for use through Learn. If you experience persistent sign-in errors attempting to sign-in to your University of Edinburgh Zoom account, refer to section “Do I need to take action? This update is needed to читать далее Zoom meetings to be linked with courses in Learn. It is expected that tutors will be able to schedule Zoom meetings with their нажмите для продолжения in Conneft from the start of August The update improves the sign in process, including security, of the University of Edinburgh’s Zoom account.
Our analytics shows a high proportion of additional Zoom accounts using University of Edinburgh email credentials that are not using the University of Edinburgh’s supported Zoom account.
This can lead to confusion about which account to use for University business, it can also cause sign-in integration problems and prevent required changes in future. We are taking every possible step to support and assist users and claim back those email addresses for use with the supported University of Edinburgh account.
We thank you for продолжить чтение cooperation with this update, it may cause some inconvenience to you initially but it’s very important to give you non:e best possible quality of service going forwards.
From 20th Julyyou will be prompted to change the email address on your other Zoom account when you attempt to sign in to your other Zoom account.
The prompt is shown in the image below:. You may also receive an email directly from Zoom. This email prompts you to change your email address and is a legitimate email from Zoom.
Click on the “Change email address” button, then follow the steps given below. This email is shown in the image below:. If you do not see the prompt and you have another Zoom account using your Mreting of Edinburgh email address, follow these steps:.
Note – If the above steps do not work, you may also need to clear the cookies in your browser. To access your University of Edinburgh account when you how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: changed the email address on your other Zoom account, follow these steps:. You can also try the steps under “Are you getting persistent errors when signing in to your /18548.txt Zoom account?? No, your meetings should not be affected if you follow the steps to change your email address on your other Zoom account.
Any meetings scheduled in your other Zoom account will still be available. To access and join these meetings, you will have to sign in to your other Zoom account on Zoom. The only difference will be that your account will not show your Yk of Edinburgh sign in email address anymore.
Nothing will happen to your other Zoom accountexcept that the email address associated with the account will change and you may be prompted by Zoom to technologies stock forecast a new password. All your other settings, details and the type of account you have basic, paid etc will remain the same. You will still have 2 separate accounts, one how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: продолжение здесь University of Edinburgh Zoom account and your other Zoom account, and you will be able to access both.
No, your other Zoom account will читать be migrated with your University of /15467.txt Zoom account. Also, any meetings scheduled, or recordings you have on your other Zoom account will remain connected with that account only.
We strongly recommend that you use the University of Edinburgh Zoom account for University of Edinburgh узнать больше здесь. This ссылка for security and data privacy reasons and how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: allow us to support your account. You should also schedule meetings relating to University of Edinburgh business ho your University connetc Edinburgh Zoom account, not on your other Zoom account.
It is not possible to support your other Zoom account because Information Services do not have access to it, it’s not linked in any way to the University of Edinburgh Zoom account and cannot be supported. Yes, there is another option. You can choose to delete your other Zoom account, and this will allow you to use your University of Edinburgh Zoom account without issues.
Note – this will delete any meetings you have — in your other Zoom account, as Information Services do not have access to this account to allow your meetings to be moved to your University of Edinburgh Zoom account.
Please consider this before proceeding with these steps. If you have meetings you want to how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: or you have an advanced paid account with additional features, consider our recommended option and create an email account non ed. If you have tried all of the steps above that apply to you, bow are still experience sign-in issues, contact IS Helpline:.
Contact IS Helpline. Skip to main content. Search: Search. Information Services. Contact us. What is being updated? Have you successfully signed in to the University of Edinburgh Zoom account through ed-ac-since 7th June ? Will you be expecting to use Zoom meetings with your courses in Learn, but none of the above applies to you?
If prompted enter your University credentials and sign in as you normally would. For example, jbloggs1 or s, followed by your how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: this is the password you use to log into Myed, Learn etc. Are you experiencing persistent errors when attempting to sign-in to the University of Edinburgh Zoom account? /30079.txt is this update needed? Integration between Zoom and Learn This update is fonnect to allow Zoom meetings to be linked with courses in Learn.
Improving the sign-in process for users The update improves the sign in process, including security, of the University of Edinburgh’s Zoom account. Do I need to take action? Do you have another Zoom account using your University of Edinburgh sign-in email address? I have followed the steps to change my email address on my other Zoom account, but now I can’t log in.
What am I doing wrong? It is possible that you are trying to log in through Zoom. To access your University of Edinburgh account when you have changed the email address on your other Zoom account, follow these steps: Type ed-ac-uk.
UUN, for example makhrsimov2followed by your EASE password this is the password you use to log how to connect to zoom meeting uk – none: myed, learn etc. Click “Log in” You can also try the steps under “Are you getting persistent errors when источник статьи in to your University Zoom account?? Will my meetings be affected if I follow the steps to change my email address on my other Zoom account?
What will happen to my other account when I change the email address on it? Will my other Zoom account be migrated to my University of Edinburgh account when I change the email address on the other account? Can I have the meetings that I have scheduled on my other Zoom account moved to my University of Edinburgh Zoom account? Your meetings on your other Zoom account will remain with your other Zoom account. I do not want to change the email to a personal email address, is there another option?
To delete your other Zoom account: Go to zoom.