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How to add users to your zoom account – none:. Zoom Video Conferencing Click here to ENTER
                                                                                                        Note: When you log into Zoom, always choose the single sign-on option. If you’ve inadvertently set up your account with an alias email. Please Note: Your Zoom account user name is your email address. Free Zoom accounts have a minute limit on meetings. Download & Install Zoom. Windows & Mac.      

Zoom Video Conferencing | University IT


If one of your previous meetings was compromised, a similar disruption could happen again if you use the same ID. Consider using unique IDs instead. Although they are less convenient than using a recurring meeting ID or your personal Zoom room, unique IDs make it harder for previous disruptive participants to join future meetings.

If you are posting about a meeting on a public resource for example, a departmental website , UITS recommends generating a unique ID. To do so:. You can configure your meeting so individuals can’t attend unless they have registered. Participants register for meetings through a custom URL that Zoom generates for you. To register, participants must provide their first name, last name, and email address. Participants won’t be able to join unless their name and email address matches the information they initially provided when registering.

You can require all participants to be logged into their Zoom accounts before accessing your Zoom meeting room. While this setting does not discriminate between institutions providing Zoom accounts that is, it does not restrict the meeting to only IU Zoom accounts , it is an additional precaution you can take to restrict access to your meeting.

For more, see Zoom: Logging in using Single Sign-on video tutorial. You can require all participants to be logged into IU Zoom accounts. You can configure your meeting room so that every participant’s video feed is disabled when first joining.

However, unless you have manually disabled the user’s video feed see Stop the participant’s video , these participants can enable their video feed once they’ve joined. To do this:. You can configure your meeting room so that every participant’s audio feed is disabled when first joining. However, unless you have manually disabled the user’s audio feed see Mute the participant , these participants can enable their audio feed once they’ve joined.

When the waiting room is enabled, participants can’t join the meeting until you admit them. At Indiana University, waiting rooms are enabled by default. However, IU participants can bypass the waiting room and automatically join the meeting by default. If you’d like, you can allow certain types of participants to skip the waiting room and automatically join your meeting:. To secure settings for a meeting that you’ve started, or if you need to handle a disruption if someone has interrupted the session, for example , you have several options.

For more, see Zoom: Managing disruptions during meetings Video tutorial. If you’re using a Windows, macOS, or Linux Zoom desktop client, you can use Zoom’s Security feature in your meeting controls to quickly set some options for a meeting you’ve started; these include locking the meeting, enabling a waiting room, disabling screensharing, and more. For details, see In-meeting security options.

Depending on the size of your meeting, it may be difficult to both run your session and moderate your participants. One or more co-hosts can help with these responsibilities while you conduct your meeting. For details about what co-hosts can and cannot do, see Enabling and adding a co-host. Restricting chat to only the host allows the host to still be able to take questions from the audience without allowing attackers to spam offensive messages that are seen by all.

To restrict chat:. For more, see Controlling and disabling in-meeting chat. By default, the annotation feature is disabled for Zoom at IU meetings. Once enabled, anyone in your meetings, including your participants, can annotate the screen share. However, once a screen share has started, the host can disable the ability for attendees to add annotations. This is document ativ in the Knowledge Base. If you encounter this problem, please do the following steps: 1. For Zoom client: Sign out from the Zoom client if you have logged in using your free Zoom account.

You will see the HKU Portal login page. If you are using UID connect. Save the change and sign out. Latest News. Take days to get a document signed during WFH period? Knowledge Base. Enhanced co-host privileges over breakout rooms and move participants to main session from breakout rooms Suspend participant activity Enhanced gallery view for iPad User Guide on Zoom Could I raise my technical issue to Zoom directly?

In September , rates will change for several of the technology services provided by University IT. To view the majority of our planned rate changes for services that are broadly available to our community, please visit this page.

For more information, please visit the rates section of our website. We’ve dramatically increased our Zoom use over the past few months — and recorded more Zoom meetings than ever before. These recordings have now exceeded our allocated Zoom cloud storage space. Learn how you can help preserve storage space.

Current Stanford University faculty, staff, students, members of the Stanford health care community, or other users with base or fully sponsored SUNet IDs. Stanford Zoom is for Stanford-work related activities only. You should not use it for activities that are not related to Stanford work per Stanford Administrative Guide 6. Such activity increases Stanford’s use and associated costs. Support staff monitor after-hours use and international calling charges. While Zoom has been certified for use with meetings that include such data, you are responsible for ensuring regulatory requirements are met sharing, downloading, and storing the recordings, as with any other regulated content.


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